Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sentence #13

Although Snape showed obvious antipathy towards Harry, Hermione just wouldn't believe he was trying to kill the Boy Who Lived. She thought the evidence against Snape was meretricious and didn't corroborate with Dumbledore's view of him. Hermione wanted an inquest into his true motives and thought Ron and Harry were being ingenuous when they refused to entertain Snape's loyalty to the Order.

inquest: investigation, inquiry
meretricious: falsely attractive, gaudy
corroborate: to support with evidence
antipathy: extreme dislike, animosity
ingenuous: showing innocence or childlike simplicity

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sentence #12

An immaculate young lady at the time, Moaning Myrtle died while still a student at Hogwarts at the hands of Tom Riddle. With few accepting her seemingly incredulous claims that it was indeed brilliant Tom Riddle who killed her, the shiftless Myrtle resigned to her apropros position of iring the attendees of the boys' bathroom with her insipid sarcasm and moodiness.

immaculate: pure, faultless
incredulous: skeptical; unwilling to believe
shiftless: lacking resourcefulness or lacking in ambition
apropos: appropriate to the situation; apt
ire: to anger
insipid: without taste or flavor