Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sentence #23

When positioned in contrast to the erudite Ravenclaws students, audacious and intrepid Gryffindor students, and the iconoclastic Slytherin students, Hufflepuff students seemed at most credulous in the gradation of student houses at Hogwarts. They were castigated for their cowardice but never appreciated for having such epicures in their midst such as the legendary Hufflepuff ghost, the Fat Friar. While no one disagreed that Hufflepuff's argument in terms of bravery was quiescent when compared to Gryffindor, the argument about Hufflepuff students' desultory interests was attenuated and deemed as precipitate when people actually studied the genius of founder, Helga Hufflepuff. Helga and other Hufflepuff students' seemingly reticent nature was, in fact, a dilatory measure in order to display humility and kindness to other students. When amalgamated with Hufflepuff students' tough and honest work-ethic, people should begin to see the honor that being a Hufflepuff carries.

erudite: learned; scholarly; bookish
audacious: fearless and daring
intrepid: fearless; resolutely courageous
iconoclast: one who opposes established beliefs, customs and institutions
credulous: too trusting; gullible
gradation: process occurring by regular degrees or stages; variation in color
castigate: to punish or criticize harshly
epicure: person with refined taste in food and wine
quiescent: motionless
desultory: jumping from one thing to another; disconnected
attenuate: to reduce in force or degree; weaken
precipitate: to throw violently or bring about abruptly; lacking deliberation
dilatory: intended to delay
amalgamate: to combine; to mix together


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