Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sentence #20

Rita Skeeter's journalistic chicanery was hardly estimable in the eyes of educated Daily Prophet readers. In fact, most of these readers repudiated her work, believing her intentions to be inimical and her work as inchoate garbage. By eulogizing certain individuals such as Harry Potter and, in fact overpraising them through her panegyric, Rita obviated the need for others' criticism: she was destroying her own career in the long-run. Rita attempted to aggrandize her own self, garnering in her address book the names of numerous celebrities and famous people, but in reality she occluded and desiccated from her own life the potential of probity and well-deserved, meaningful work. When eventually faced with a beetle-licious life, Rita found herself in such an impasse that she had no choice but to change her bombastic ways.

chicanery: deception by means of craft or guile
estimable: admirable
repudiate: to reject the validity of
inimical: hostile; unfriendly
inchoate: not fully formed; disorganized
eulogy: speech in praise of someone
panegyric: elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise
obviate: to prevent; to make unnecessary
aggrandize: to increase in power, influence, and reputation
garner: to gather and store
occlude: to stop up; prevent the passage of
desiccate: to dry out thoroughly
probity: complete honesty and integrity
impasse: blocked path; dilemma with no solution
bombastic: pompous in speech and manner

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