Nobody acted circumspect or reticent when presented with Mrs. Weasley's cooking. On the contrary, they would act querulous and lack deference if they were not the first in line to try her delicious food. Even though waiting in line meant forestalling the scrumptious concoctions, those waiting in line husbanded their energy so they may later propitiate their appetite. When the food reached their mouth, all the recipients' gastronomical cavities were very plastic which enervated all other senses except the sense of taste. Listless and melancholy when all the food had disappeared, all guests at the Weasley kitchen glibly recited numerous elegies and dirges remembering the food while it lasted. But how was such a beautiful meal to be reincarnated? All members of the table, even dilettantes such as Hermione's cat Crookshanks, partook in a machination to encourage Mrs. Weasley to cook more...muahahaha.
circumspect: cautious; aware of potential consequences
reticent: silent; reserved
querulous: inclined to complain; irritable
deference: respect; courtesy
forestall: to prevent or delay; anticipate
husband: to manage economically; to use sparingly
propitiate: to conciliate; to appease
plastic: able to be molded, altered or bent
enervate: to reduce in strength
listless: lacking energy and enthusiasm
glib: fluent in an insincere manner; offhand; casual
elegy: a sorrowful poem or speech
dirge: a funeral hymn or mournful speech
dilettante: someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic
machination: plot or scheme
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